Utility Data Portal

Sharing Your Data

When you choose to share your data with Energy Solutions, you give us permission to review and analyze your energy usage data for our work related to energy programs. Once we have that permission, we then use industry standard Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to pull your energy data from PG&E’s database and store it in our database.

Please visit PG&E Share My Data Customer FAQ for more information.

Automated Demand Response (ADR) Program

The ADR Program provides incentives and technical assistance to non-residential customers investing in energy management equipment and controls that enable ADR. Your data is used to screen for ADR eligibility, calculate load shed potential, provide ongoing DR event performance reports, and calculate your 40% performance bonus payment.

Please visit www.pge-adr.com or contact Christine Riker at criker@energy-solution.com for more information.

Data Security

The data we receive is securely stored in an encrypted environment that is only accessible to authorized Energy Solutions users. Data security is very important to us – your data will never be shared or used for any other purpose beyond what you have authorized.

Please contact Energy Solutions Information Systems Team at ops@energy-solution.net for more information about data security.